
JS in details [Part 1]

30 April 2021

Translated in: Русский

Before we start

When I was writing this article, I also wanted to explain the Event Loop. But it will be long hours of exploring Blink engine sources, and I can’t afford it now. So, in the first part, we only talk about lexical environments and execution contexts.

Lexical environments

Variables need to be stored somewhere. Lexical environments carry out this task.

They are special objects created as the program executes: for the function body or code block, for every cycle iteration, and so on.

On variable reading/writing, the engine communicates with lexical environments.

Let’s figure out how that is happening.


Consider the following code:

/* 1st lexical environment */

const one = 1
const bool = true

if (bool) {
  /* 2nd lexical environment */
  const two = 2
  if (one + two === 3) {
    /* 3rd lexical environment */

    const three = 3

  if (two - one === one) {
    /* 4th lexical environment */
    const four = 4

It’s clear that in the 2nd lexical environment, besides variable two, we also have access to one and bool, located in the 1st lexical environment.

In 3rd and 4th lexical environments, we also have access to 1st and 2nd. But 3rd and 4th do not have access to each other: 3rd cannot read the variable four, and 4th cannot read three.

But why? How does it work under the hood?

The reason is that every lexical environment (except for the global one) has a “parent” - another lexical environment in which the one was created. This “parent” may also be called an outer lexical environment.

Every lexical environment has a link to its “parent”. Thereby, collectively, all the lexical environments form a tree structure. The root of this tree is the global lexical environment that was created before the script execution.

For the code from above, the tree looks like the following:

   / \
  3   4

When we read the variable, the engine searches it in the tree, starting from the current lexical environment and ending the root. This way, it cannot touch the neighbors, so we don’t have access to their variables.


  • when reading variables in the 3rd lexical environment, the engine searches them in branch 1 -> 2 -> 3.
  • when reading variables in the 4th lexical environment, the engine searches them in branch 1 -> 2 -> 4.
  • when reading variables in the 2nd lexical environment, the engine searches them in branch 1 -> 2.

Function’s outer lexical environment

Consider another situation:

/* 1st lexical environment */

const v = 1

function A() {
  /* 2nd lexical environment */


function B() {
  /* 3rd lexical environment */
  const v = 2

The function A is called in the 3rd lexical environment. But gets the value of v from the 1st and doesn’t have access to variables of 3rd.

Or imagine we created the function in one module, then imported it in another and called it there. It will not lose access to variables declared in the first module, right? You would say “sure” without even thinking, but do you know why exactly it happens?

The answer is simple: the outer (parent) lexical environment for a function is always the lexical environment where it was created. The place of execution doesn’t affect this.

Declaring/writing variables

let and const declarations are scoped to the block. So, they are always written to the current lexical environment.

But var declarations are scoped to the function or the script in case of global level. Thereby, var “ignores” the regular code blocks and uses the nearest function/script lexical environment.

Also, there is a function declaration - its scope depends on the mode. When strict - it’s the nearest block’s lexical environment; else - the closest function/script’ lexical environment, just like for var statements.

Technically, it’s strongly related to Execution Context. If you want to know a more in-depth explanation, read ahead.


Every lexical environment is an Environment Record.

Each Environment Record has some basic API for using it:

  • CreateMutableBinding(N) and CreateImmutableBinding(N) - create a property named N (mutable/immutable).
  • InitializeBinding(N, V) - initialize a property named N and assign it a value V.
  • SetMutableBinding(N, V) - set the value V for a mutable property named N.
  • HasBinding(N) - check if the lexical environment has a property named N.
  • GetBindingValue(N) - get the value of a property named N.
  • DeleteBinding(N) - delete a property named N.
  • HasThisBinding() - check if the lexical environment has information about this binding. We’ll learn more about it in the next parts.
  • HasSuperBinding() - check if the lexical environment has information about super binding.
  • WithBaseObject() - check if the lexical environment was created for the with statement. This method is not important for us.

Also, each lexical environment has the internal field [[OuterEnv]], which can be null or the reference to the outer lexical environment.

Environment Record types

  • Declarative Environment Record - a base type used for simple code blocks, switch/case constructions, cycle iterations, etc.
  • Function Environment Record - a subclass of Declarative Environment Record, used for functions’ lexical environments.

    It also has the following fields:

    • [[ThisValue]] - this value. It is stored right here.
    • [[ThisBindingStatus]] - this binding status. The value can be lexical / uninitialized / initialized.
    • lexical - this value is taken from the outer lexical environment (arrow functions).
    • uninitialized - this value is not set yet. It can be, for example, on the stage of creating context.
    • initialized - this is set.
    • [[FunctionObject]] - the function object whose invocation caused this Environment Record to be created.
    • [[NewTarget]] - a constructor function. We don’t need this information.
  • Module Environment Record - a subclass of Declarative Environment Record, used for modules’ lexical environments.

    It also has the following fields:

    • CreateImportBinding(N, M, N2) - create an immutable indirect binding in a module Environment Record to property N2 from module M. For the current module, it will have the name N. Imports use this method; that’s why we can’t re-define module variable from another module, even when this variable was declared using let.

    And it re-defines the method GetThisBinding(). A module is always in the strict mode, so this is always undefined. For this reason, GetThisBinding() in Module Environment Record returns undefined.

  • Object Environment Record - used for working with the global object or with statement.

    It’s like abstraction for using some object as a lexical environment. When using this environment record, we always read/change its binding object.

    It has the following additional fields:

    • [[BindingObject]]
    • [[IsWithEnvironment]] - was it created for with statement?

    Also, this environment record re-defines some default methods to make it work with the object.

  • Global Environment Record - used for the top-level lexical environment, created only for the script.

    [[OuterEnv]] of this environment record is always null.

    It doesn’t store variables by itself but contains Object Environment Record and Declarative Environment Record inside.

    It has the following additional fields:

    • [[ObjectRecord]] - Object Environment Record, bound to the global object. Used for var declarations at global (script) level.
    • [[DeclarativeRecord]] - Declarative Environment Record. Used for other declarations.
    • [[GlobalThisValue]] - global this value. Usually, it references the global object.
    • [[VarNames]] - list of var declarations at global (script) level.

    And methods:

    • GetThisBinding() - returns global this.
    • HasVarDeclaration(N) - check if [[VarNames]] has an element N.
    • HasLexicalDeclaration(N) - check if [[DeclarativeRecord]] has a property named N.
    • HasRestrictedGlobalProperty(N) - check if the global object has a property named N, restricted for re-defining.
    • CanDeclareGlobalVar(N) - check if it possible to declare a global variable named N using var.
    • CanDeclareGlobalFunction(N) - check if it possible to declare a global function named N using a function declaration.
    • CreateGlobalVarBinding(N, D) - create a global variable named N into [[ObjectRecord]] (for var declarations).
    • CreateGlobalFunctionBinding(N, V, D) - create a global function named N into [[ObjectRecord]] (for function declarations).

Function’s outer lexical environment

Above, we talked about the function’s outer lexical environment. Let’s figure out how it works.

Each function object has a special hidden property, [[Environment]], used to store a reference to the outer lexical environment.

When the function is called, the value of [[Environment]] is assigned to the newly created lexical environment’s [[OuterEnv]] field. Therefore, after the new lexical environment, the search continues there.

Variable states

The bindings in lexical environments can have one of two states:

  • not initialized
  • initialized

Technically, the variable exists before it is initialized, but usually, we can’t use it. We need this information to understand the next chapters.

Actually, the specification has no information about how this state is determined and stored. Most likely, not initialized bindings have some special value.

Declaring variables

Before running the code, the engine scans it for variable and function declarations. For each declaration in the current scope, it creates the binding in the lexical environment. But, depending on the declaration type, there can be some additional actions.

The variables are divided into two groups:

  • varDeclarations - var (in all function code).
  • lexDeclarations - let, const, class (only in code, which belongs to the current lexical environment).

When scanning the function, the engine does the following:

  1. Creates bindings for each of varDeclarations and instantly initializes them: var declarations - with undefined, and function declarations - with their function object. That’s why we can read these variables before they were declared.
  2. Creates bindings for each of lexDeclarations, but doesn’t initialize them. Therefore, when accessing them before the declaration, we get ReferenceError: Cannot access before initialization. These bindings are initialized while executing the code.

When scanning the script, the engine does the same, but varDeclarations are written in [[ObjectRecord]] of the global lexical environment, and lexDeclarations - in [[DeclarativeRecord]].

And when scanning any other block, only the 2nd step is used since varDeclarations are present only for functions and the script.

Reading variables

It’s much more straightforward.

When accessing the variable, the operation ResolveBinding is executed. Inside, it uses GetIdentifierReference. This function performs the recursive tree search, starting from the lexical environment passed in and ending with the global lexical environment.

This operation doesn’t check the variable initialization state. Most likely, this functionality is implemented by the engine.

Execution context

Consider the following code:

/* 1st lexical environment */


function A() {
  /* 2nd lexical environment */
  const one = 1
  return one

function B() {
  /* 3rd lexical environment */

  const two = 2

For the code from above, the tree looks like that:

 / \
2   3

The function B is called into the function A. And as we learned before, the 1st lexical environment is the outer lexical environment for both 2nd and 3rd, no matter where their functions were called.

So, when the function B execution ends, and the function A retakes the control, how can we determine that we should use the 2nd lexical environment now if we have only the branch 1 -> 3? If we try to use the B function’s outer lexical environment, it will be the wrong choice.

Besides, how we know what lexical environment is active at the current moment? And how can we get the target lexical environment for a var variable?

We need something for controlling our code execution and operating the lexical environments.

Exactly for these purposes, the Execution Context was invented.

Execution Context is a special structure used to store the code execution state and references for the actual lexical environments. It is created for every script, module, function, or eval execution.

An execution context is only deleted after its associated part of the code finished the execution. So, there can be many execution contexts (but only one of them is active and executing the code).

Collectively, all the execution contexts are stored as a LIFO stack called Execution Stack (or Call Stack in other words). For the initial script execution, the first element of the stack is always the global execution context created for the script. Then, as the code runs, the engine can add function/module execution contexts to the end of the stack. The last element of the stack is always the running execution context.

Let’s look on the code again:

/* 1st lexical environment */


function A() {
  /* 2nd lexical environment */
  const one = 1
  return one

function B() {
  /* 3rd lexical environment */

  const two = 2
  1. Initially, the execution stack is empty: [].
  2. When the script is starting to execute, the stack looks like that: [script]
  3. When the function A is called, it goes to the stack: [script, A]
  4. The function B is called, but A execution is not finished yet. [script, A, B]
  5. The B execution is finished. We go back to A. [script, A]
  6. The function A returns the results and finishes the execution. We go back to script. [script]
  7. There is nothing more to execute. The execution stack becomes empty again: []
  8. The empty stack is not always the end. Promises, timeouts, events - all these can fill the stack and make code execute again. But this is a topic related to the Event Loop.



An execution context contains the following elements:

  • Any state needed to perform, suspend, and resume evaluation of the code associated with this execution context.
  • Function - the function object, which code is executed (null for script/module).
  • ScriptOrModule - an object of script/module, which code is executed (null for functions).
  • Realm - a special object, containing the base runtime’s things.

And the most important:

  • VariableEnvironment - it’s constant and points to the root lexical environment for the code associated with this execution context. The var declarations are always written here.
  • LexicalEnvironment - the current lexical enviroment. Initially, it’s the root lexical environment (as in VariableEnvironment), but it can change as the code runs. The newly created lexical environments’ [[OuterEnv]] always points to the previous LexicalEnvironment value, so execution context can restore it back after leaving the nested block.

And now a little rough demo (VE = VariableEnvironment, LE = LexicalEnvironment):

// 1 //

 * Execution stack: [
 *   script: { VE: 1, LE: 1 }
 * ]


function A() {
  // 2 //
   * Execution stack: [
   *   script: { VE: 1, LE: 1 },
   *   A: { VE: 2, LE: 2 }
   * ]
  if (3 > foo) {
    // 3 //
     * Execution stack: [
     *   script: { VE: 1, LE: 1 },
     *   A: { VE: 2, LE: 3 }
     * ]
    const foo = 2 // goes in LE
    var zoo = 3 // goes in VE
   * Execution stack: [
   *   script: { VE: 1, LE: 1 },
   *   A: { VE: 2, LE: 2 }
   * ]

function B() {
	// 4 //
   * Execution stack: [
   *   script: { VE: 1, LE: 1 },
   *   A: { VE: 2, LE: 3 },
   *   B: { VE: 4, LE: 4 }
   * ]

function C() {
  // 5 //
   * Execution stack: [
   *   script: { VE: 1, LE: 1 },
   *   A: { VE: 2, LE: 3 },
   *   B: { VE: 4, LE: 4 },
   *   C: { VE: 5, LE: 5 }
   * ]
  const bar = 'baz'
  if (bar) {
    // 6 //
     * Execution stack: [
     *   script: { VE: 1, LE: 1 },
     *   A: { VE: 2, LE: 3 },
     *   B: { VE: 4, LE: 4 },
     *   C: { VE: 5, LE: 6 }
     * ]
    return 1
  return 2

function D() {
  // 7 //
   * Execution stack: [
   *   script: { VE: 1, LE: 1 },
   *   A: { VE: 2, LE: 2 },
   *   D: { VE: 7, LE: 7 },
   * ]